Monday, March 5, 2012

Indian Ice Cream

This weekend I was muscled into going to a fundraiser by my family. The event took place at Diya Lounge in Rockville Center. It was an Indian restaurant with mediocre food, as I am not partial to Indian food myself the food lacked flavor. And I found out that mystery meat I ate with all the bones was goat, yes so I've finally had goat...not great. But one dessert really excited me.
Indian Ice Cream (as the waiter described it). These little frozen cubes of creamy goodness practically flew off the table. And after waiting for ten minutes at the head of the line I was finally able to try it out. This had to have been the best item they had here, at least from what was on the buffet (not trying to make them lose business). It tasted like almond flavored ice cream. Not terribly exciting but very good nonetheless.
If you ever go to Diya Lounge please order the ice cream.



  1. Sounds interesting. It looks like cheese, I can't Believe it is actually Ice Cream. -Carissa

  2. Although I have never tried Indian food because I am extremely picky, this is interesting because I LOVE dessert. Frozen yogurt is one of my favorite things so this ice cream sounds interesting. The only thing that would turn me off slightly is the fact that it looks like cheese cubes.

  3. I will try anything once! This Indian ice cream looks almost like a cheese cube. I am very interested in trying this. I love trying new desserts. I wonder if I can make this at home. Thank you for the tip, next time I go to Diya Lounge, I will get the ice cream!


  4. Without reading the post, I would have thought it was a bowl of cheese cubes. After reading that it is ice cream, I will admit that I am intrigued and excited to try this. I love ice cream, and I was immediately sold on this when you mentioned the words "creamy goodness." - Jeana

  5. I have never tried Indian Food but I am always up for something new, so i probally would try the Goat. It cant be much different than any other animal people eat.
    -Steve Messina
